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Frill Free Zone Newsletter
April 15, 2024

Mid April says spring to me; finally, there are warmer days, less rain (and even if there are showers, they're warm) and the ground is ready to plant.

April 15 2024

My plans for new gardens and the walkways to reach them are going on apace. The 'heurta' or vegetable garden is being planned and planted, seedlings are sprouting out of nothing but dirt. It's always a miracle how the spring always comes, after you've almost given up.

Unfortunately, it's not all good. You may be finding your old nemesis showing up, and starting their work destroying your garden. Find out how to get rid of slugs naturally before they completely decimate your tiny seedlings of lush lettuce and the first spinach. They are easy to defeat using their habits and likes and dislikes.

Other garden bugs like the dreaded red lily beetle or Japanese beetles aren't so easy, but hand picking and throwing them into a bucket of soapy water seems to do the trick if you have just a few, but for lots, I recommend Diatomaceous Earth. Sprinkled on the beetles themselves, or wherever they hide can go a long way to getting them under control. Don't give up in despair.

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