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Frill Free Zone Newsletter Q&A
May 01, 2022

There have been a lot of questions over the years, and now it's time to try and answer a few of them. If you have any queries for me to answer, reply to this email.

May 1 2022

So the weather is warm enough to plant seeds, or at least get them started indoors. One question I get asked about is how to best water seeds.
Generally, you will have watered the soil prior to planting, or at least, I recommend it. Then, with the seeds planted in rows in a flat, this is easier to water than if they're sprinkled and planted randomly.

The type of seed differs too; are they the type of plant that germinates best if exposed to light, or do you cover them?

For the type that is just on top of the soil, spray with an atomizer or mister, so you don't dislodge the seeds and wash them away.

For the first little while until they germinate, seeds only need enough moisture to swell and break the seed coat, but they should never dry out completely. If they are larger seeds, like beans or peas, you will most likely either soak them overnight before seeding, or water them in with a light spray from the hose, or a watering can.

Then, they'll need to be watered once the leaves emerge.

The types of watering devices I use are a Hawes watering can, with a rose that goes on upside down - so facing upwards. This diminishes the force of the water so it doesn't expose seeds or wash them away.

I also use a smaller watering can with a single spout, which can follow the outline of the seeded rows in a flat without soil erosion.

Another alternative is a soaker hose, which is made of flexible rubber material that has holes down the length, allowing water to drip out slowly. These are great for direct seeded plants (again, beans or peas) and can remain in place for the whole time the plants are growing. And what do you use to water the seeds? Use the cleanest water possible, without additives or minerals in it. This means don't use your well water, if you have hard water.

Don't use tap water if it has chlorine or other things added to it.

The absolute best kind of water to give your seedlings the best start is rainwater, or snowmelt.

A close second would be drinking water that has gone through reverse osmosis and other filtering, or water from the air conditioner. If all that fails, use distilled water. No matter what kind of water, make sure it's tempered, or room temperature.

Your seedlings are babies, so give them luke warm water, just the way you would provide a human baby with warm formula to drink.

If you would like me to answer your questions, reply to this email,use the contact form, or fill out the survey on the bottom of every page of the website.
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