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Frill Free Zone Newsletter
October 02, 2024

There should still be time to plant a few more greens if you're in Zone 5 or 6 or higher, even if they have to go into a cold frame.

October 2 2024

We built one out of old windows, which was a great way to use some of the salvage we've collected over the years. You can see our old window cold frame here. I've used it for seedlings on the early side of the year, and to give the season a little extra on the other.

There are other ways to provide garden pest protection that also protect from frost, such a row covers and even mulch. What do you do to protect your plants from a cold snap? I've used newspapers over top of them, straw or leaves up against them, a cloche made from a pickle jar, and many other things that didn't stand up to the hype.

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