417 Hertz

Release Bad Energy From The Past And Release Trapped Negativity - Stop Unwanted Thoughts And Patterns

With my newest service dog prospect coming home at 12 weeks old, we thought the worst was behind us, and congratulated ourselves on being ahead of the curve.


How wrong I was.

When Ash is tired, which happens several times a day, he will get spinny, unable to settle and even canter around from room to room, biting everyone in his path, especially me.

I can't figure that part out at all, as I'm the one with the good treats, and plenty of them.

So the best thing I've found is to go into the room where he usually sleeps, and sit down, and play this music. It's delightfully light and airy, with just the tone in the background of some tinkly piano music.

Within seconds, literally, Ash will dive under the bed where he usually will crash out, and go to sleep. I'm astounded at how quickly this works. Then he's down for a good nap, while the music tinkles in the background of whatever else I'm doing.

This is bound to give him a grounding, other than me. The risks of separation anxiety are real.

This particular music is meant to release bad vibes and negativity from the past, which to me means any experience that Ash might have had which left a negative impact on him, like the time someone lifted an Amazon box up off the floor, and scared him so he yelped and ran away scaring all of us.

Have a listen yourself, and see if you feel anything different about your day. You can fall asleep to it at night, giving it time to subliminally calm your mind and all the jittery thoughts.

Some people find it very good to meditate to, while listening. Or even to exercise or do yoga to.

The other recording which is also very relaxing is the 528 Hertz, also meant for giving your mind a good rinsing off after a hectic day.

If your dog is having trouble settling down after a busy day or a bad experience, this would be worth giving a shot to help them relax again.