The Frill Free Zone is where we get to the nitty gritty of living simply; eliminate all the unnecessary, useless, frivolous or giddy; it's where you get serious about creating your unique life that suits you to perfection.
The world is at the cusp of stopping waste in its tracks - what did our grand parents say? Waste not, want not...
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If you have a strong Ammonia Smell in the Chicken Pen, take action immediately; your birds are at risk...
Continue reading "Ammonia Smell in the Chicken Pen; take action now!"
Opening a Jar safely, without hurting your hand, or breaking the jar...
Continue reading "How to Open Jars without hurting your hand, or breaking the jar"
Plant Propagation Station - everything you need to grow plants successfully, from seed to cuttings to repotting...
Continue reading "Plant Propagation Station - everything you need for success"
These Tree Pruning Techniques are easy to master; make your fruit trees productive and healthy...
Continue reading "Tree Pruning Techniques for productive fruit trees"
How to Grow Broccoli; the best cancer fighting crucifer in your organic garden; learn the best methods for the healthiest plants...
Continue reading "How to Grow Broccoli - the cancer fighting crucifer"
With hairy foliage, Streps need cleaning sometimes; learn how to do it here...
Continue reading "Cleaning Streptocarpus Leaves of dirt, contaminants or mulch"
Re-Use and Re-Purpose; Frugal Gardening - Recycling In The Organic Garden...
Continue reading "Recycling in The Organic Garden; Re-Use and Re-Purpose"
Make money homesteading - by Starting a Gardening Business where you have complete control...
Continue reading "Starting a Gardening Business - make money homesteading"
Techniques for better fruit production (and health); Fruit Tree Pruning...
Continue reading "Fruit Tree Pruning - techniques for better fruit production"
Some good, some bad, whichever you choose; which can you live with?
Continue reading "Male vs Female Goldendoodle - which to choose?"
There are lots of hungry garden visitors, but you can keep them away with these Garden Pest Protection tips...
Continue reading "Garden Pest Protection; keep your vegetables safe from critters"
Does your garden need a boost? Find out which of these 10 Best High Nitrogen Natural Fertilizers for organic gardens is right for you...
Continue reading "10 Best High Nitrogen Natural Fertilizers for organic gardens"
How to avoid vehicle damage and wildlife death and destruction...
Continue reading "Deer Collision Avoidance - how to avoid wildlife death and destruction"
make money from lumber and firewood on your homestead or property...
Continue reading "Homestead Wood - lumber, firewood, all things wood"
Ways to save money while still having a gorgeous garden - use Burlap Hanging Basket Liners...
Continue reading "Burlap Hanging Basket Liners - tips and methods"
How to find out which eggs contain a boy or a girl chicken by dowsing..
Continue reading "Dowsing Eggs - find out which ones are pullets BEFORE they hatch..."
They're welcome in most places, but sometimes people don't appreciate your Life With a Service Dog and why you need one...
Continue reading "Life With a Service Dog - advantages and disadvantages"
How To Set A Mouse Trap to catch those pesky vermin who are eating you out of house and home...
Continue reading "How To Set A Mouse Trap - the simplest vermin control"
Water on the Homestead - how to find it, and use it for your homesteads needs...