Frugal Simple Living

Rural living, first hand

The dream is always living off the land, raising your own food, and living sustainably.  Now you can find out first hand what it's really all about.

Frugal Simple Living

From growing an organic vegetable garden, to chopping your own firewood to heat your home, there are so many things that evoke a simpler life.  When you live in the country, these are activities that just have to be taken care of. 

There's a feeling of pride and satisfaction with cooking on a wood stove, making meals that are nourishing yet have simple ingredients. 

Living simply doesn't mean you have to do without; it just means that each activity you decide for the day takes on a deeper meaning; sometimes it's not enough to count on being able to go to the store to get your groceries. 

In my teens, there were some songs on the radio that gave me chills.  One of them was Simple Life (Ode to LA) by Valdy.  Listen to the lyrics;

Lyrics for the song, Simple Life, by Valdy

Will you never let me go
I have tried to please you so
Common sense should tell us that we're through
Time and time again I've pleaded
For a love so badly needed
But I guess it really wasn't meant to be
Give me the simple life
I need the simple life
Don't want to worry 'bout tomorrow
Live every day completely
Love for the joy of loving
Then I will be happy

Pretty cars and soft guitars
Round-trip ticket to the stars
I'm living like a king inside a cage
I don't want a giant bank account
Or a name folks love to talk about
Think I had my fill
Please turn the page

Give me the simple life
I need the simple life
Don't want to worry 'bout tomorrow
Live every day completely
Love for the joy of loving
Then I will be happy

Music is one of the ways our pioneer ancestors entertained themselves on those long winter nights, or used as a bonding experience and team building while meeting neighbors for a supper or a dance. 

We've lost that, preferring instead to use the TV for entertainment, or our phones for staying in touch. There is something lacking in both of those modern time wasters.

Growing your own, and using them to feed your body and nourish your soul is the next step. Living intentionally, recycling everything, producing no waste seems to be the new normal.

Here's where you can find out first hand about all the things that people living in a country setting take for granted.  Will you join us and start your own homestead, or just appreciate the way of life that gives contentment?

Do you live in a rural setting? Tell us about it!

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