Write For This Site

Guest Posts Accepted

Do you like to write articles about homesteading and organic gardening?  This is where you can get them published.

Write For This Site

Here are a few guidelines for your article;

  • Any guest articles or posts you submit for publication on Frill Free must be unique and not published, now or in the future, anywhere else.

  • You must have an image or graphic that will illustrate what the article is about, so it can be shared on social media like Facebook and Pinterest.

  • The best images are ones you've taken yourself, rather than stock photos.  The article will get more credit with search engines this way.

  • You can add one link in your bio (a short blurb about you) which can have a picture of you, or your logo if you like - one follow link can be added here. Sorry, no editorial links to other websites are allowed.

  • The best length for your article will be over 500 words - the longer, the better (up to 2-3000 words).

  • This opportunity only available for writers in North America at this time, to gear your article to the majority of the readers of this website.

If you need help deciding on a topic, let me know and I can send you a keyword list of words to include in the headline, body and other places in your article. 

These help search engines understand what the page is about, and show it to those looking for that topic.

I reserve the right to edit for typographical or grammatical errors, or for clarity.

If you need help with your article, use some of the simplest ways to check your writing with these online tools;  Grammarly and Hemingway app - keep it succinct and easy to understand for the greatest number of visitors.

Ready to get started?  Fill out the form and let's begin your article writing career; Or, just jump to the form to write your own story live on the website below;

Write for This Site

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Ready to submit your article?  Here's the place to do it.  It will be published after I see it and approve it, and make any changes to it.

Share your story or article here;

Do you have a great story about this? Share it!

What Other Visitors Have Said

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Tips for Root Cellar Organization and Inventory Management 
Root cellars are excellent resources for storing your food supply, whether you grow food at home or buy it from the store. People have used them for centuries …

Large Outdoor Planter Ideas 
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How to Grow and Maintain a Live Garden Fence 
Description: A living garden fence is a beautiful and natural option for a garden border, and you can easily learn how to start and keep a living fence …

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