528 Hertz Music

For Healing and Pain Removal

The frequency most used for subliminal healing and pain relief is 528 Hz. 

This is what ZenLifeRelax says; "This frequency encourages us to restore human consciousness to its full power and potential. 528Hz resonates at the heart of the Sun (recorded by NASA scientists). Sunbeams, the rainbow, flowers, grass and even the buzzing of bees vibrates at 528Hz."

Bracken zoning out listening to 528 Hertz music

Listen to the most relaxing two hours of this fabulous sound.

Combined with the gently tinkling notes of piano music, it's so relaxing.  This is one of the only ways Bracken can relax after a distressing incident, like thunder, or the sound of gunfire.  He's so sensitive.

After only a few minutes of the 528 Hz tone, he's off in lala land, totally comfortable with his world again.

This recording is a video, so there are slides and short video clips of nature, sunshine, trees, creeks and other lovely images to go along with the music, if you need something to look at. 

This music is perfect for meditation, yoga, or just to read along with. 

Get the benefit of the healing that will happen subliminally by playing the video whenever you need background music, or to fall asleep to.

528Hz Pain Remover | Release Struggle & Pain | Healing Meditation Music | Awakening Inner Strength

Iahel says;

Ah such beautiful nature images and deeply relaxing camera work. Compliments the music.. settling, comforting, centering, uplifting, supportive, gently flowing, healing music.

Anne says;

Love this one. So beautiful and relaxing has given me a deep feeling of peace and connection. I felt my heart chakra gently opening and my crown chakra. This has to be my favourite ever which I will use daily. (It) Does this work on every level like Reiki so it makes us whole again and heal us very gently. The heart is Love so love will heal us and everyone else. LOVE IS THE ANSWER. Blessings and love to you and I am grateful for the sharing of this video. Namaste 

Ang says;

Thank you so much for uploading this video . The synchronisation of the music and the picturesque scenes made me teary. Mother Nature is beautiful

Mansa says;

This blocked a Panic Attack in progress, cannot be more thankful. I have tried many remedies but none as effective.

Geoffrey says;

This is so beautiful! I listen at work, and my mood has improved 1,500% Thank you! Thank you!

Bracken, after a half an hour of the 528 Hertz musicBracken, after a half an hour of the 528 Hertz music

There are so many things we know almost nothing about, with healing powers.  Solfeggio music and Binaural Beats are two of them. Other uses for this music are to calm a fretful dog when there's thunder, or play for an animal or child who is healing from surgery. 

I would love to see this solfeggio music used in veterinary clinics, stables and many other uses.  How much nicer to use this in stressful situations rather than chemical sedation?