Black Bean Salad

Simple ingredients for a mitochondria friendly recipe

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This Black Bean Salad recipe is quick to make out of only a few ingredients.  It's best made ahead so that the dressing will marinate through the mitochondria friendly vegetables.


The few ingredients that go into this side dish are best if they're organic or home grown.

Black Bean Salad ingredients

Grate the beets and carrot, and drain and rinse the canned black beans.  Slice the red pepper and onion if desired into thin strips.

Black Bean Salad dressing

The dressing is whatever appeals to you; I use Balsamic vinegar and some Apple Cider Vinegar, a teaspoon or so of prepared mustard, some honey and salt and pepper, then top it all with some Extra Virgin Olive Oil. 

These few ingredients are all it takes. Whisk well to combine before adding it to the prepared beans and other ingredients.

Black Bean Salad in a mason jar

Toss to coat all the ingredients, then put into a Mason jar to marinate for up to five hours or even overnight. 

Turn the jar occasionally.  The beautiful reds and purples of this salad will really appeal to you, even more when served as a side to a pork chop, grilled chicken, baked potatoes and a green salad.

This salad keeps for a couple of days refrigerated - I don't recommend freezing it. If you accidentally leave it a bit too long, throw it into some soup to add more fiber and flavor.

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