Earth Day

Make your garden projects count...

Earth Day is approaching fast; what do you do to celebrate and mark this day?

If you already have your garden in and growing, that's a good start.

I like to have a project or two that are good for the environment, either by encouraging predatory insects, keeping great recyclable stuff out of the landfill, or making some type of useful implement for your garden.


Who are we doing this for?  Our kids, of course.  When I was 11, in 1970, I spent a lot of time with my Bantam chickens, as well as cleaning up a local beach and the ditches on the way to my favorite lakes, Sasamat and Buntzen.  Let them join in the work, to help save our planet.

There are a few good Earth Day projects that you might want to build; a compost pile to mark the beginning of a new growing season is a good way to get things off on the right foot.

Building a cold frame from a couple of old windows keeps them out of the landfill, and makes them into something useful for your garden.

Recycling in the garden can be a great way to utilize otherwise useless garbage;

Worm farms are the perfect way to utilize the talents of a simple creature to make black gold out of garbage.

If you have backyard chickens but you don't want them to run wild over the vegetable garden, a chicken tractor is a great way to give them controlled access to the greens, sprouted weed seeds and bugs that they love.

A nectar corridor makes it easier for the predators to survive and thrive in your garden; even some bright and colorful annuals planted in the beds alongside your vegetables can attract the all important pollinating insects.

Grow a butterfly garden, specifically for the endangered Monarch butterfly.

Growing food for your family with the hugelkultur method takes lasagna gardening to a whole new level; my hill growing system of growing vegetables is still in it's infancy, but I'm working on getting more production out of it;

Use willow twigs to weave a coracle bed in your garden, either for a compost, or to plant into;

Other ways to celebrate - cook your lunch over a fire, prune some trees or just enjoy some lovely music.

Choose a few mindful and thoughtful Earth Day projects for your organic garden and Mother Earth will thank you...