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Sure. It's easy enough to spray weeds with deadly chemicals like glyphosate, also known by the trade name Round Up. This kills them after being absorbed into the leaves and ending up in the roots. Every other plant exposed to overspray dies too - along with any insects and the micro herd that's in the way.
Here are a few earth friendly weed control methods that don't impact innocent bystanders, or poison the soil and the critters that live in it;
This is a great method to use when you're preparing a new
planting bed and you want to get rid of everything and start with a
clean slate.
Use black poly, in 4mil thickness or more, or a black
rubber runner. Move it around occasionally.
Old carpet also works for this. Cut it into strips as it can get heavy, and overlap the edges onto the next to stop the weeds from coming up between them.
Leave the pots in place during a heat wave for best results. You may have to check that they've done their job, and make sure the weeds are thoroughly dead.
Then what do you do with the weeds? Any that are flowering already can be composted in a super hot compost which will kill off any seeds. Don't just throw them in a pile, as this won't get hot enough.
For those in a vegetative state, before flowering, just tuck them around your plants as mulch. If they are trying to re-root themselves, leave them on the pathways for a day or two to kill them off completely.
Look on weeds as a resource you can use, not as the enemy.
Choose one or more of these Earth Friendly Weed Control methods to keep your garden relatively weed free - don't forget to leave some flowering weeds in a corner for the pollinators!