Who would have thought that three simple ingredients could be so delicious? My Mum sent me this recipe when she learned about me being wheat intolerant, and they have been a real treat when I have to watch what I eat.
I should call these 'Extremely Easy Peanut Butter Cookies' because that's more accurate.
Are you ready? Here are the ingredients;
Seriously, that's it.
Mix the ingredients together with a wooden or metal spoon, until the dough starts to pull away from the sides of the bowl.
Form balls of the dough (about one smallish teaspoon sized rolled in your hands) put them spaced onto a cookie sheet (I cover mine with parchment paper to make it easier to clean them) and bake in a 350F. degree oven for 10 - 12 minutes.
A little less baking makes them chewy and tender. Watch them like a hawk, and don't overcook them or they will be too crunchy and dry. They should just be starting to brown on the bottom, and be soft on top.
This recipe makes one large cookie sheet full, about 24 cookies. Store covered in a dry place (if they don't get eaten immediately!). I like them with yogurt and a bit of fruit preserves - told you my diet was a little weird.