Homesteading in Nova Scotia

In Modern Times

Even these days, there are places in Nova Scotia that speak to the homesteading heart.  There's no reason you can't homestead in Nova Scotia or any other Canadian province.


If you think of your ideal homestead, you'll be able to find it here; whether it's near some tidal water so you can collect sea weed to put on the garden, or in the bush with many trees that you can harvest for lumber, or fruit bushes to glean from in the summer months, there are options.

Maybe your vision is a glade in the woods, surrounded by birdsong. Or on an estuary with the river ebbing and flowing with the tide. Or maybe you dream of a sheep farm in the  rocky hills of Cape Breton.

In many areas, in previous times, there were farms that are now abandoned, making them ripe for renovating.

If you don't have a preference for a dwelling, there are places where someone's dream died, after they built a foundation. Or, the house burned down.  These foundations are a perfect place to start your homesteading in Nova Scotia.

A  yurt, tiny house, or even a modified trailer, straw bale or cob house could fit the bill. If it's cozy and customized to your needs, and can be added onto, consider it.

Old apple trees can be brought back to life with judicious pruning, or even by grafting on new varieties.

Brooks and streams which were in the past blocked or built around can be freed; piles of lumber or downed trees can be recycled in a hugelkultur bed or for growing mushrooms.

The homesteading culture is alive and well in Nova Scotia. Many of us have the same dream; to be self sufficient and provide fresh food or other items to locals and incomers alike. 

Whether you dream of a place buzzing with activity and people on the same page, or a tranquil back water with privacy and calming solitude, Nova Scotia has what you need.

With Nova Scotia in my near future, my homesteading journey is not done yet, even if I don't go into it with the same wholeheartedness as my previous endeavors.  I will still find a way for the homesteading mentality to thrive in my life.

Follow along as I delve into my new homestead adventure.