Male vs Female Goldendoodle

Which To Choose?

Female dogs of any established breed tend to be smaller in size than a typical male with a similar genetic background.

Male dogs of all breeds tend to have bigger muscles and larger bone structure.

The main differences in female goldendoodles and their male counterparts are height and weight.

Standard goldendoodles are a cross between a golden retriever and a standard poodle.

Male vs. Female Goldendoodle

Purebred dogs can be used for breeding to get a goldendoodle, but there is no real standard size, it will always be a bit of guesswork to see what you'll end up with. The best way to avoid health issues that can crop up with so called 'designer dogs' is to make sure that the parent dogs are similar in terms of size, and that they have been xrayed to check their hips.

Mismatched parent dogs can cause hip dysplasia in the resulting puppies, not a good scenario if you want to get therapy dogs or service dogs from a particular breeding.

Other health concerns can be eye problems, or other joint issues depending on the types of dogs that are being bred.

Certain dog breeds tend to have health conditions that may not be an issue until they are bred with another dog with similar issues in their genetic profile which can make the incidence of these issues worse.

F1B Goldendoodles are multigenerational golden doodles bred back to one of the founding breeds - either a poodle (the most common) or a golden retriever. This can be to obtain larger dogs from the litter, or more intelligent dogs.

Either way, this mix creates great family dogs, with high energy but gentle with young kids.

Important factors with any 'hybrid dogs' is to realize that there is no way to fully predict the temperament, size and when sexual maturity will happen.

These are popular dog breeds for the active family yet are a good fit with more sedentary dog owners too. Most are happy with play and training sessions, with the odd long walk to burn off some steam.

Personality differences between litter mates will give you the perfect opportunity to choose the exact right fit for your family.

Personality and Character Traits

If all the dog owner needs in their new dog is a great personality, with no aggressive behavior, the most popular breed of dog is one with parents that have those characteristics and is raised in an environment where they're exposed to people of all shapes and sizes, other dogs and animals, as well as new situations where they're not scared, but encouraged to explore.

The biggest difference in the adult dogs temperament is the experiences it has from birth to sixteen weeks, only some of which you have control over in your puppy.

Up to about eight or nine weeks of age, they'll be spending time with their mom and siblings, and a reputable breeder will ensure that they have enriching activities, lots of places to explore safely, and exposure to toys and other objects.

When your new puppy goes home with you, the best way to have social dogs is to make sure they feel safe with you and can go everywhere with you, within reason.

This is the same, whether male or female.


A little bit of daily brushing will help get your puppy used to the maintenance of its coat type; those with curly hair need more work, but each individual puppy will need their coat care customized to their own unique coat.

Keep in mind that a puppy's coat will change as it reaches maturity, sometimes getting thicker, or more curly. There is no way to predict which type of coat your puppy will end up with, but some people claim to be able to tell from the way the hair forms on the ears.

The curlier or more wavy the hair is there, the curlier the coat will be as an adult.

However, all poodle mixes tend to have some to much curl in their coat, so the higher the percentage of poodle, the curlier you can expect the coat to get.

There is no difference between the coat of male puppies and a female puppy.


Although there is really no difference between character traits, personality and coat type, one thing that could impact your choice is the de-sexing process. 

With male dogs, the surgery to castrate them is much simpler and doesn't involve actual abdominal surgery.  For females there is a lot more risk from longer anesthetic, as well as more intrusion and a bit longer recovery time.

If you're thinking of not getting your male dog neutered, apart from the surge of hormones whenever in the presence of a female dog, they are also more prone to getting testicular and prostate cancer if left entire.

After living with my goldendoodle, Ash, for seven months (he is currently ten months old) I have to say that he has been a unicorn puppy. I don't know if he is typical or not, but he sleeps through the night, up to 13 hours, plus naps during the day which enable me to get things done.

Male or female, they all need sleep, and exercise, and good nutrition, as well as family time. These are not dogs to be kept in a crate and only allowed out periodically. They are very pack oriented, and want to be close to their pack members.

So there you have it.  Which will you choose; boy or girl?

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