Service Dog Candidate

My Second Kick at the Can

Giving up or 'washing' Sable was heart breaking even though I found a great new home for her where she would be a beloved pet.  I never gave up on the idea of my own service dog though!

Service Dog Candidate

A new year, and a new prospect arrived.  This wasn't something that occurred instantly. 

It's taken several months of searching, first among litters of puppies that need new homes, from service dog backgrounds and non service dog backgrounds. 

You never know when the right dog will show up, even from a rescue situation or the SPCA.

I've seen Poodles used for service dogs, both purebred dogs, and mixed breeds (or designer dogs) like Labradoodles (a Labrador Retriever crossed with Poodle) or Bernadoodles (Bernese Mountain Dog and Poodle) so I know that they're good candidates.

I had never thought of getting one, so when Chloe appeared, I didn't initially think much of it.

This one is a breeding dog, who is being retired at four and a half years old, due to an unfortunate event with her last litter of puppies. 

They were all born dead, which can be a crushing blow to a small breeder.  These dogs are expensive to raise, care for and keep in good health, so to lose an entire litter all at once is a catastrophe.

The owner of the dog decided to pivot and rehome this dog, and try something slightly different. This is a purebred standard Poodle, cream in color, with apricot patches.

I was offered the opportunity just by being in the right place at the right time - be open to those serendipitous offerings!

Chloe, or soon to be called Clover, will need to be spayed as soon as possible. 

She'll also undergo some training, using force free positive reinforcement methods. She already walks well on a leash, and is very affectionate and willing to learn. 

Poodles are the second most intelligent breed of dog after Border Collies so I don't thing she'll have too much trouble learning new tricks like stand, brace and leave it.